How to create a minimalist website for passion

35% of Canadian guys create website to share their hobbies & passion with the world. They share charming moments of them to inspire their mates. If you are one of them & want to create a website for your passion then this is the post only for you.

I have been working as a freelance since 2012. Web developer by profession. More than hundreds projects have completed. My working area, I mean most of the projects I have done for photographer, traveler, solo traveler, DIY expert, small businessman and for others. Most of them want to create a minimalist website that brings simple but sophisticated.

Genesis Framework is the best WordPress framework to create a minimalist looking website. It is so much easy to customize if you have a little knowledge of  HTML, CSS & PHP; and you can do anything as you wish to look like.

Creating a minimalist website

Human-being loves to do something behind people in his own way. When he fond of it, it reveals his extraordinary that comes from passion on it of him.
Minimalist Website Creation

Passion doesn't meet any rules so you can choose any name for your website domain. If you suspect me SEO factor about domain name, I say domain name never breaks any SEO rules for Google ranking. But you should choose from top level domain criteria (ex: .com, .net, .org).

For example What you understand by the word of Shout Me Loud. Google know it, the blog that shares blogging, SEO, make money online tips and tricks. By the way, does it seem what you have thought?

Generate a unique domain name, register it and tell your audience what about your site is. Google will know about it, based on your publishing topics and in which keyword you put your domain URL.

75% internet user like minimalist design or appearance. Simple design & easy user interface reduce bounce rate that is very important to a webmaster. Because webmaster knows how it is hard to manage a website. Colorful design can be bored to your audience to enjoy your content. And it can be the reason to leave your website. Design always should be perfect that goes with your niche or topic. So that, it seems to the audience this the best website with the topic they looking for.

Have you ever visited! I think, it is one of the best websites they bring for the audience. Their website's looking appearance and contents seem to me they really examiner of social media networks.

Responsiveness is the matter that extremely performs for a website's SEO ranking. As well as this the way of reaching out your audience from any kind of internet browsing device. You know, maximum numbers of internet user use internet from smartphones. Screen resolutions are different for different smartphones. If you want your website can be viewed by every single visitor then the site should be responsive.

That's all I know about the creation of a minimalist website. It can be more explained for understanding if an executive writer or blogger write this article. Feel free to asking me below at comment section.

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Millennial & an introvert. Totally dashing beyond Passion. Code is poetry that never lies. Facebook or Drop Mail